SMART CAPS Group Inc. Qualitative Consumer Research

Explore how much of a consideration the pop going flat after opening is to consumers when it comes to format choice

Our Studies Showed…


Among multiple perceived advantages 2L pop bottles, cost savings emerge as the most dominant usage driver.

Increased Purchase & Consumption Frequency of 2l Bottles:

Most say they would shift a significant portion of their smaller-format pop purchases and consumption to a 2L bottle with a SMART CAP.

Openness to Brand-Switching

SMART CAPS appears to motivate some brand-switching, even among those who have a

strong brand preference.

" It’s more economical compared to small cans… especially if buying for a bunch of people…and small cans people drank half or quarter, in a group you don’t know whose can is which. Can happen with glasses, but people more careful with their own glass."

-Lassy Chester

Art Director

"I usually buy it for parties if lots of people are consuming it. Less plastic to get one bottle rather than a case… so environmentally friendlier. "

-Adam Bassally

"In 2L I only buy the ones I know will get finished. Coke or Cream Soda wouldn’t get finished in my household…"

-Jenna Watson

“…Yes, then I definitely would buy more. We feel so

wasteful buying cans. It is nice to have the one bottle,

one package. The flatness is the big issue when purchase

so that’s why only get it for parties because don’t consume it enough.”

-Adam Newton